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Will an adjustable base ruin your mattress?

Jan 15, 2025 Jonas

At Eshine, our adjustable bases have been a best seller for years. Imagine ending your day with a 20-minute massage, experiencing zero gravity weightlessness and finding the perfect position to help you fall asleep.

Wouldn't that be great?

If you're curious about adjustable recliners, we can help you eliminate all of your concerns. In this blog, we'll discuss a common question: will an adjustable base damage or ruin my mattress?

Do Adjustable Beds Damage Mattresses?

The answer is simple: no - the adjustable base will not damage or ruin your mattress. As long as the mattress you choose is compatible with an adjustable base, you have nothing to worry about.

Most mattresses today are made of flexible materials, which is exactly what you want when pairing your mattress with an adjustable base. After all, many mattresses (including ESHINE mattresses) are rolled up and vacuum sealed in a small box, which is where flexibility comes in! With that in mind, you can imagine how well the mattress will work when the base is moved.

However, there are a few things you need to be aware of if you want more peace of mind. Let's take a look at those areas next.

How to Shop for a Mattress & Adjustable Base

In addition to choosing the right mattress, it's wise to do your research to make sure you're investing in a quality adjustable base.

1. Manufacturing Expertise

Our products are exported worldwide, and we have obtained certification and evaluation credentials from various countries. These certifications stand as a testament to the quality and reliability of our mattresses.

2. An Industry-Leading Warranty

While you shouldn't expect your mattress or adjustable base to wear out prematurely, the warranty will protect you if anything goes wrong. We're proud to offer a 15-year limited warranty and 99-day free mattress trial on our products, and we rarely receive claims.

The same goes for our mattresses. It's generally recommended to replace your mattress every seven years or so, but if you've purchased a lower-rated mattress from another company, it may only last a year or two. At Eshine, we are confident that our mattresses will last 20+ years.

Carefree and happy sleep

At ESHINE, we want nothing more than for everyone to get the sleep they deserve. Adjustable bases are a great way to make that happen!

With a little shopping know-how, you won't have to worry about damaging your mattress with an adjustable base. We hope we've cleared that up for you!

Still have questions? Our team of sleep experts are here to help. Feel free to call, email, or chat with us live on our website.

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